Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Happy Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Day is just around the corner. It is a time when we gather with our friends and family to reminisce about the good old days, catch up on each other’s lives, and appreciate the love ones we have in our lives. We are all so busy with our day to day schedules, that it gets hard to connect with family and friends regularly. So we need occasions like this to bring everyone together, break bread over a delicious meal and libations, and just enjoy each other’s company. It is a day to give thanks to all that we have in love, life and business. We give thanks to God for guiding us in the path we have chosen, for giving us the strength to endure and the intellect to overcome

trials and tribulations that we have encountered, which will make us stronger. We pray for those less fortunate than us to have the support in getting them on the road to success, find food and shelter.

Your Mission Viejo Auto Collision team would like to wish you all a happy, safe, warm and wonderful Thanksgiving to you and yours. May your holiday be blessed with good health, love and happiness. May your career or business find success through these uncertain times. And some words of wisdom from our gobbler friends, “Eat Beef!”. Our Gobblers would be thankful for that. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving and enjoy your weekend!



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